Health & LivingNews

EMS Week Open House Hosted by AMR Ambulance, CCFR Wednesday (05.22)

As part of National EMS Week, AMR Ambulance and Charles City Fire Rescue are hosting an Open House on Wednesday (05.22).

During Monday (05.20) night’s City Council meeting, Councilman Patrick Lumley said he would be there helping with the event from 4 to 8 pm at the fire station.

The open house will also feature blow ups/bouncy amusements and  drawing for prizes.


In a Facebook post, Chickasaw County EMS says National EMS Week is celebrating 50 years and can be traced back to the American Civil War in the 1860s.  However, EMS really gained traction in 1973 with the EMS Systems Act which was the beginning of our modern EMS structure. 

The post adds that Chickasaw County has three EMS transport services with five rigs offering basic, advanced life support and critical care services. Additionally, there is a network of nearly 60 first responders spread throughout Chickasaw County that are ready to handle medical emergencies with a swift and professional response.

Mark Pitz

News Director/Weekdays 10am to 2pm on 95.9 KCHA
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