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Floyd Co. Supervisors Against Eminent Domain for Carbon Pipeline

Like the Mitchell County Board of Supervisors a couple of weeks ago, the Floyd County Board of Supervisors is going on record opposing use of eminent domain for underground carbon capture pipelines.

Monday (06.17), Supervisors approved a resolution objecting to the Iowa Utilities Board’s (IUB) authority to “enact eminent domain within Floyd County for privately owned and operated carbon dioxide pipelines.” While more specifically targeted at Summit Carbon Solutions, County Attorney Todd Prichard noted the resolution won’t be able to stop the pipeline in and of itself.

State Representative Charley Thomson of Charles City helped draft the resolution and told Supervisors that landowners are in a tough spot waiting for the IUB to rule on whether Summit gets a construction permit or not.

Amidst all the talk about the construction of Summit’s pipeline, Floyd County landowner George Cummins told the Board the company still hasn’t secured a place to sequester the carbon dioxide it wants to transport. 

The County will filed the anti-eminent domain resolution on all dockets with the IUB concerning carbon pipelines and/or Summit.

The IUB has offered no timeline to rule on Summit’s permit, which, if approved, would see sections of the pipeline also be built through Chickasaw, Mitchell, Cerro Gordo, Bremer, Franklin, Butler and Fayette counties among others.

Mark Pitz

News Director/Weekdays 10am to 2pm on 95.9 KCHA
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