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Chickasaw County Loses Ambulance Consultant, Ready to Purchase Equipment

Chickasaw County’s public ambulance service took some shape Monday, but also lost help in getting it up and running, just over four months from a January 1, 2023 start date..

During the regular Board of Supervisors meeting, Chair Matt Kuhn read notification that their ambulance consultant, Iowa Falls EMS Director Corey Larson, has opted out of his contract.

Kuhn also read an email the County’s current private ambulance service provider, Jeremy McGrath and Chickasaw Ambulance Services, had sent to the state and the City of Iowa Falls accusing Larson of conducting consultation on City time utilizing City resources. Kuhn noted that McGrath’s email was sent after the Board failed to pass a motion to buy McGrath’s current ambulances and equipment for about $1.1 million dollars during their August 22nd meeting. 

Monday, Supervisors passed a motion to purchase two new ambulances and equipment from a different company for up to $675,000, a move County Attorney David Laudner says, in the end, comes down to finances.

The County has pledged using about $750,000 in ARPA funds to help pay for start up costs, which includes the purchase of the ambulances.

Supervisors have scheduled a special meeting for Thursday morning at which they may appoint an ambulance committee to oversee the development of the ambulance service and whether that includes hiring a new consultant. They also hope to finalize advertising for an EMS director with a salary range of $70,000 to $90,000 depending on qualifications.

Mark Pitz

News Director/Weekdays 10am to 2pm on 95.9 KCHA
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